Almost 80% of Haitian schools require fees for children to attend. The fees often come from families selling livestock or using profits from their farms. When Hurricane Matthew swept through Haiti, communities lost homes, schools, and farmable land.

School fees compete with immediate needs for shelter and food. This often makes it impossible for families to send their children back to school.


You Can Contribute to Improving Lives in Haiti.


Your support of Engage in Change’s Helping Schools in Southern Haiti campaign will allow students to purchase books and supplies as well as provide temporary shelter for classrooms.

Follow us on our social media accounts for live updates on the Helping Schools in Southern Haiti campaign, daily news updates, and new publications.

  • You teach me, I forget. You show me, I remember. You involve me, I understand.

    Edward O. Wilson

If you believe that every child deserves the right to an adequate education, please consider making a tax deductible donation to Engage in Change so we can continue to provide our services and commitment to strengthening local systems.

Consider partnering with us! Please contact us with any new and innovative ideas, projects, events or presentations we can participate in.

Want to visit Haiti?

We seek volunteers who want to be immersed in Haitian culture and society to help make a difference in local communities